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It's easy and
secure to sell your
bike with us.

How It Works
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1. Create an Account

Click here to become a Verified Seller.

icon price tag
2. Sell Your Bike

Create your listing and sell your bike.

icon delivery
3. Ship Your Bike

Bring your bike to an authorized shipping partner and they’ll pack and ship the bike for you.

icon dollar sign
4. Get Paid

Once the buyer receives the bike, funds are released.

Listing Your Bike on Bicycle Blue Book
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Massive Outreach
Reach hundreds of thousands of online shoppers in the cycling community.
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Quick and Easy
List your items for sale using our guided process to create an effective listing.
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Safe and Secure
Buyers and sellers are screened to enhance confidence and minimize potential scams.
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Simple and Affordable
We make buying and selling convenient, inexpensive, and hassle-free.

How to Sell your Bike on

Read our article for tips on photographing your bike for the best advertisement.
Watch our video on how to pack your bike properly ready for shipping.
Click here to learn about our Seller Fees.